Application for action from Norwegian customs authorities

Application for action from Norwegian customs authorities

Norwegian Customs can detain goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights (IPR), such as a trademarks, designs, or patents. If you, as the owner of such rights, suspect that they are being infringed, you may send an application for action to Norwegian Customs.

New application for assistance

The Movement of Goods Act on intellectual property rights was amended on the first of July 2021. The changes made it possible to apply for action from Norwegian Customs to detain goods suspected of infringing IPR in Altinn.

Please note that the Altinn forms are currently only available in Norwegian. However, English guides for the forms can be found below.

You can find the application form here

Changes/application for extension of a current application

You can:

  • add and/or change information in the application.
  • add additional intellectual property rights.
  • apply for an extension of an existing decision within 30 business days prior to expiration.create a new form based on previous submissions
  • create a new form based on previous submissions. See description here (248 kB).

Application for assistance after notification of detainment

If you have received a notification from Norwegian Customs regarding the detainment of goods without having applied for action previously, you may use the simplified application form. When using the simplified application form you must apply for action within four business days following the date the notification was issued.


If you have a Norwegian national identity number or D number, you can log in to Altinn with electronic identification, for example BankID, MinID etc.

PLEASE NOTE! We recommend that you log in to Altinn as an "accounting officer". The application will then be saved in your company's records. If you use your personal user, only you will be able to access the application in the records.

If you do not have a Norwegian national identity number or D number, select: proceed to more login methods → login without national identity number/D number → create a new user. Here you choose your username and password.

You will find additional guidance here (285 kB).

Updated: 10/12/2024