Completion of a Transit declaration in NCTS phase 4

Here you will find detailed information on how you can complete a transit declaration.

Our description of the boxes is based on the Transit Accompanying Document and Single Administrative Document’s numbering of the boxes. When you are to give information that does not appear in the above mentioned documents, the boxes are numbered as "00".

Box numberBox name
00LRN (Local Reference Number) Declaration ID, which is generated in the declarant’s system, is a unique identification code for each individual declaration. The LRN consists of 22 characters and has the following structure: Characters 1-8: Declarant's identificationnumber (NODI number) Characters 9-17: Date (yyyymmdd) Characters 17-22: Sequential number Example: NO12345620131025123456
00MRN (Master Reference Number): Each transit operation is assigned a unique reference number (MRN). The MRN is generated automatically when the declaration has gone through validation (input control) at Norwegian Customs. An electronic message with information on the MRN is returned to the declarant. The MRN consists of 18 characters and has the following national structure: Characters 1 and 2: Last two digits of theyear Characters 3 and 4: Code for country of departure (ISO 3166) Characters 5-10: Customs office code (the 6 characters after the country code) Characters 11-17: Serial number Character 18: Check digit Example: 13NO01018C11234567
01Declaration status: Enter the declaration type for the transit declaration, with one of the following codes: T1 = Transit of goods that do not have EU status T2 = Transit of goods with EU status T- = Transit of both T1 and T2 goods (mixed consignment)
02Consignor/exporter: Enter the consignor’s name and address (including country). The Trader identification number (TIN) is stated when it is known. If there is only one consignor, then state this at the header level. The box “Consignor” at the item level shall then not be used. If there are several consignors/exporters linked to one declaration, state these at the item level. The box “Consignor” at the header level shall then not be used.
03Forms: This box shows the form's serial number and the total number of set of forms , and it is normally defined by the declarant’s system. Example: If a declaration is submitted with two lists of items, 1/3 is stated on the Transit accompanying document, 2/3 on the first lists of items and 3/3 on the second list of items.
05Items: Enter in figures the total number of items covered by the declaration.
06Total packages: Enter the number of packages covered by the item. If the code for the type of package indicates bulk (for example, VQ, VG, VL, VY, VR or VO) or unpackaged (NE), you cannot use this box. In such cases, the “Number of units” must be stated. In other cases, the “Number of packages” is mandatory.
08Consignee: Enter the full name and address (including country) of the consignee. Enter the trader identification number (TIN) if known. If there is only one consignee, then state this at header level. The box “Consignee” at item level shall then not be used. If there are several consignees linked to one declaration, state these at item level. The box “Consignee” at header level shall then not be used.
15Country of dispatch/export: Enter the country code (ISO 3166) for the country in which the consignment originates. If there is only one country of dispatch, this shall be stated at header level, the box “Country of dispatch” at item level shall then not be used. If there are several countries of dispatch linked to one declaration, state these at the item level. The box “Country of dispatch” at the header level shall then not be used.
17Country of destination: Enter the country code (ISO 3166) for the country to which the consignment is destined. If there is only one country of destination, then this shall be entered at the header level. The box “Country of destination” at item level shall then not be used. If there are several countries of destination linked to one declaration, enter these at the item level. The box “Country of destination” at header level shall then not be used.
18Identity of the means of transport at departure: Enter the registration number, registration number plate, name, etc., of the means of transport at departure (for example, the registration number for the tractor and any trailer/semi-trailer). If the first digit in the “Mode of transport inland”, (box 26) is “5” or “7”, the box cannot be used. Avoid the use of spaces or symbols (for example AA11111, instead of AA 11-111).
18Nationality of the means of transport at departure: Enter the country code (ISO 3166) for the nationality of the means of transport at departure. In cases where the tractor and trailer/semi-trailer have a different nationality, the nationality of the tractor shall be entered. If the first digit in the “Mode of transport inland”, (box 26) is “5” or “7”, the box cannot be used.
19Container: Enter whether the goods are being transported in a container or not, with the following code: 0 = Goods are not transported in a container 1 = Goods are transported in a container
21Identity of the active means of transport crossing the border: Enter the registration number, registration number plate, name, etc., of the means of transport that actively crosses the border. In cases of combined transport, or when multiple means of transport are used, the means of transport that provides propulsion shall be stated (for example, when a lorry is on a ferry, it is the ferry that is the active means of transport). Avoid the use of spaces or symbols (for example, IMO1234567 instead of IMO 12-34567.
21Nationality of the active means of transport crossing the border: Enter the country code (ISO 3166) for the means of transport that actively crosses the border. In cases of combined transport, or when multiple means of transport are used, the means of transport that provides propulsion shall be stated (for example, when a lorry is on a ferry, it is the ferry that is the active means of transport). If the first digit in the “Mode of transport at the border”, (box 25) is “2”, “5” or “7”, the box is mandatory.
25Mode of transport at the border: Enter the code for the mode of transport when crossing the border. The following codes can be used: 10: Maritime transport, Norwegian/foreign 12: Railway wagon on sea-going vessel 16: Powered road vehicle on des-going vessel 17: Trailer or semi-trailer on sea-going vessel 20: Rail transport 23: Road vehicle on rail-wagon 30: Road transport 40: Air transport 50: Postal consignments 70: Fixed transport installation (pipes, cables, etc.) 80: Inland waterway transport 90: Own propulsion
26Mode of transport inland: Enter the code for the mode of transport inland from the customs office of departure to the office of exit from Norway. The same codes are used as for box 25 “Mode of transport at the border”.
31Description of goods: Description of the goods in free text. The description of goods shall only encompass one item. This description shall be specific enough so that Norwegian Customs easily can identify the goods. General descriptions such as “parts”, “general cargo”, “consolidated”, “miscellaneous goods”, etc. shall not be used. For lists of items for mixed consignments, the T1 and T2 goods shall be specified as separate items on the list of items.
31Type of package: Enter a two-letter code for the type of packaging the goods are packed in. It is possible to use multiple packages codes for each item. Enter the code in accordance with UN/ECE Recommendation no. 21 (183 kB)
31Marks and numbers: Enter the marks and number of the packages. If the code for the f package code indicates bulk (for example, VQ, VG, VL, VY, VR, VS or VO) or unpackaged (NE, NF or NG), use of this box is optional. In all other cases it is mandatory.
31Number and kind: If the package code indicates unpackaged goods (NE, NF or NG), it is mandatory to state the number of packages/pcs. Not otherwise used.
31Container number: Enter the container's number. You can enter a maximum of 17 alphanumeric characters to define a container. Only one container number shall be entered on each line. The container number is only provided if the transport includes containers (stated in box 19).
32Item number: Number of the item. The items are numbered sequentially, cf. box 05. Also used if the declaration only contains one item. Each item number is unique through the entire declaration in an unbroken sequence.
33Commodity code: This box must be completed when the same person makes a transit declaration at the same time as, or following, a customs declaration which includes a commodity code, or if the convention specifies that its use is mandatory. Enter the commodity code (HS) with a minimum of six digits in accordance with the current customs tariff. For the transit of T2 and T2F goods, the box must be filled in when the previous document contains information on the commodity code. In all other cases use of this box is optional.
35Total gross mass:Enter the total gross mass of the consignment in kilos.
35Gross mass: Enter the item’s gross mass in kilos.
38Net mass: Enter the item's net mass in kilos. For the transit of T2 goods, the box shall be filled in if the previous document shows the net mass.
40Previous document type: Enter the code for documents concerning the administrative procedure that is prior to export to another country. When the status (box 1) is “T2” and the transit operation has been issued in a non-EU country, the holder of the procedure must declare at least one code for “Previous document”, followed by the document’s reference in the box “Document reference previous documents”. You can enter multiple document references for each item. The following codes can be used: T2 T2F – used internally within the EU T2L T2LF T2ATA T2CIM T2TIR T2SM
40Previous documents – document reference: Enter the number or other reference to the document. Multiple document references can be stated for each item. If the “Previous document type” has been used, the document reference must be provided.
40Previous documents – supplementary information Free text box to provide supplementary information in connection with previous document: .
44Type of documents produced: Enter the code for the document that is produced in support of the declaration. Multiple documents produced can be entered for each item. Always provide information about the export declaration = code 830. Use the stipulated code in accordance with the list of “Documents produced” in the Common Transit Convention.
44Documents produced – document reference:Enter the reference number for the documents that produced in support of the declaration. Multiple document references can be provided for each item. For document type 830 (export declaration), the reference number to the export declaration ,or a reference to exemption from the obligation to declare, shall be entered ( e.g. value less than NOK 5,000 or use of an ATA- carnet). For exemption from the obligation to declare the goods, a reference to the exemption shall be entered as free text. The reference number to the export declaration must be stated as follows: Clearance number: 6 characters (for example, 040101) Year: 4 characters (for example, 2014) Serial number: 6 characters (for example, 123456)
44Documents produced – supplementary information: Free text box to provide supplementary information in connection with documents produced.
50The holder of the procedure: Enter the trader identification number (TIN), name (person/company) and address (including country) of the holder of the procedure. The trader identification number (TIN) is mandatory when the holder of the procedure is an authorised consignor and a simplified procedure is used. Otherwise TIN is optional. The trader identification number (TIN) = the registration number of the organisation, or a corporate number for a branch of a centrally registered unit.
50Declaration place: Enter the place where the declaration is registered.
50Representative: Enter the full name and “role” (job title of the employee) of the authorised representative, when he is acting on behalf of the holder of the procedure.
51Intended office of transit (border crossing): Enter the alphanumeric code for the customs office for the intended office of entry for each contracting party whose territory is to be transited in the course of carriage, e.g., SE603340 for Svinesund (SE). The EU is regarded as one contracting party. If the transport is to transit other areas than those belonging to the contracting parties, enter the office of exit from the contracting parties’ as the office of transit. If the office of departure and destination belong to different contracting parties, it is mandatory to declare at least one office of transit.
52Guarantee type:Enter the stipulated code for the type of guarantee that covers customs duties and taxes for the goods that the transit operation concerns. The following codes can be used for the type of guarantee: 0 – Guarantee waiver 1 – Comprehensive guarantee 2 – Individual guarantee by aguarantor 3 – Individual guarantee in cash 4 – Individual guarantee in the form of vouchers 6 – Guarantee waiver (air transport, etc.) in accordance with Annex I, Article 12 of the Convention 7 – Guarantee waiver for the journey between the customs office of departure and the customs office of transit ith Article 10.2 (b) of the Convention 9 – Individual guarantee in accordance with point 3 of Annex I to Appendix I. If the simplified procedure is used, only guarantee type 0 (guarantee waiver) or 1 (Comprehensive guarantee) can be used. In NCTS, multiple guarantee types can be stated in the same transit declaration.
52Guarantee reference number – GRN: For the guarantee types 0, 1, 2, 4 and 9, the "GRN" (guarantee reference number) field shall be provided. If guarantee type 3 or 7 are used, the box “Other guarantee” shall be used. Multiple guarantee references can be used in one transit declaration, dependent on the amount of tax on the goods covered by the transit operation.
52Access code: For guarantee types 0, 1, 2, 4 or 9, it is mandatory to state the access code. The access code and GRN are assigned by Norwegian Customs for the initial registration of the guarantee.
52Not valid in the EU: Enter the code that indicates whether the guarantee is valid / not valid in the EU. The following codes are used: Code 0 = No (valid in the EU) Code 1 = Yes (not valid in the EU) How this is implemented in the specific software may vary. In some places this can be resolved by a check mark in e.g. a box
52Not valid for contracting parties: Enter by use of the stipulated country code which contracting parties (countries) to the Common Transit Convention (excluding the EU) the guarantee is not valid for. The following country codes can be used: CH = Switzerland IS = Iceland NO = Norway TR = Turkey MK = North Macedonia RS = Serbia GB = Storbritannia UA = Ukraina
53Customs office of destination: Enter the alphanumeric code for the customs office where the goods are to be presented for ending the transit operations (office of destination). If the consignee of the goods is domiciled in a country outside area of the Common Transit Convention, enter the office of exit as the office of destination.
53Authorised consignee: This is an optional box that is used if the trader identification number (TIN) of the authorised consignee in country of destination is known.
CCustoms office of departure: State the alphanumeric code for the customs office of departure. For Norwegian customs offices, the structure of the reference number is as follows (for example,Oslo NO01011A): Country: NO Location: 01 Customs office: 01 Unit at the customs office: 1 Type of customs office: A Codes for the type of customs office: A og B = Customs office C = Clearance unit D = Swedish customs office operation on behalf of Norway. E= Finnish customs office operation on behalf of Norway.
DControl result code: This box is reserved for use by Customs at the office of departure for providing the control result at departure. When economic operator (holder of the procedure) submits a declaration by means of the simplified procedure, the box must be filled in with a control result “A3”.
DTime limit (date): Enter the time limit (date) for the expected arrival at the customs office of destination. The time limit can be set no later than 21 days after the operations was started. The following format must be used: ddmmyyy: for example, 24022018
DNumber of seals: Enter the total number of seals (using numerals).
DIdentity of the seal: Enter the identity of the seal (-id).
55Transhipment: This is information that is not entered at the start of a transit operation, but information that is linked to incidents during transport. When goods are transhipped from one means of transport to another or from one container to another, the carrier will fill in the first three lines in box 55 of the Transit accompanying document. If the means of transport is sealed, the transhipment cannot take place without the intervention of Norwegian Customs. The information must be certified by the customs authorities in box “F”. If the consignee at the destination is linked to NCTS, the information on the transhipment is entered in the “Arrival notification” (IE007). The same information shall also appear on the Transit accompanying document.
56Other incidents during transport: This is information that is not stated at the start of a transit operation, but information that is connected to incidents during transport. This box on the transit accompanying document shall be used, e.g., when the tractor of the trailer/semi-trailer is replaced during transport. Enter the registration number and nationality of the new tractor. In such cases, the endorsement of Norwegian Customs is not necessary. Based on the information on the Transit accompanying document, Norwegian Customs can register incidents during transport in the NCTS. If the consignee at destination is linked to the NCTS, information on incidents during transport is enteres in the “Arrival notification” (IE007). The same information shall also appear on the Transit accompanying document.

Updated: 07/11/2024