Norwegian Customs Service launches access to open data – service now available for download
Open data is about granting business and civil society access to data held by the public administration in a way that enables it to be easily used in new contexts by both people and machines.
An update of this article is pending.
Please note that some terms and/or references may differ from the Movement of Goods Act and the Customs Duty Act that enters into force from the 1st of January 2023.
The Norwegian Customs Service offers a data service within its open datasets that are offered as APIs (Application Programming Interface). These support both individual lookups and the download of full datasets. The service is free of charge and available to all.
Examples of datasets produced by the Norwegian Customs Service include:
- Customs Tariff structure. Source: Customs Tariff
- Exchange rate. Source: TVINN
- Overview of valid countries in TVINN. Source: TVINN
- Overview of restrictions on export declarations. Source: TVINN
We make data available in XML and JSON formats. We update the data periodically and verify datasets on a daily basis to check for new updates.
The Norwegian Customs Service has its own CKAN installation where we publish our finalised datasets on a continuous basis.
- The datasets are available here. (Primarily available in norwegian)
Additionally, the references to the datasets are also transferred to the National Data Catalog, which is managed by the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency.
- National Data Catalog (Primarily available in norwegian)
The datasets are subject to a CC BY 4.0 licence.
- Exchange rate: ISO 4217
- Country codes: ISO 3166
Future datasets
The Norwegian Customs Service plans to expand its range to include more datasets. We are therefore eager to receive feedback about published datasets, as well as other datasets that it might be desirable to have access to.
Updated: 07/11/2024