Import Guide for Beginners
This guide is intended for representatives of companies that will start importing goods into Norway. It provides the general rules relating to imports and directs you to more detailed information on the various topics.
Calculating customs duty and taxes
There are essentially three types of taxes on the import of goods from abroad – customs duty, VAT, and excise duties. What you must pay or report to the Tax Authorities depends on the type of goods and where they come from.
Temporary importation
If you are going to import goods to Norway on a temporary basis, separate arrangements for declaration apply. You can avoid paying customs duty and taxes on some goods upon provision of security or a guarantee.
Declaration of goods into Norway
When you import goods to Norway, you must declare the goods to Norwegian Customs.
Free trade
If you apply the various free trade agreements, you may be eligible for lower duties or duty-free status. This is called preferential treatment. There are only duties on foodstuffs (foods etc.) and textiles.
Reporting VAT on imports
Declaration overview
With this overview you get a monhtly overview of your companys customs declarations.
Norwegian Customs in Svalbard
At the request of the Ministry of Finance, Norwegian Customs established a physical presence and control of the movement of goods in Svalbard from May 2022. This means Customs is able to control the movement of goods to and from Svalbard.
Updated: 19/12/2024