5 tips on Digitoll for goods owners
Norwegian Customs will require that your goods be declared before crossing the border during 2026. The current arrangement, where goods can be transported directly to the consignee of the goods and declared within 10 days (direct transport), will no longer be in effect.
The Digitoll concept aims to eliminate time-consuming and manual processes for businesses when importing goods into Norway. To achieve this, Norwegian Customs must receive digital information before or at the latest at the border crossing. When Norwegian Customs receives information in advance, and there is no need for customs inspection, goods can be automatically released at the border. The result is a seamless, fast, and efficient border crossing that offers significant benefits for businesses.
1. Digital notification and disclosure of information from February 1st 2026
The initial stage consists of the mandatory duty of the transport sector to fulfill notification and disclosure of information obligations digitally (MO). Digital Notification and Disclosure of Information will provide Norwegian Customs with documentation of what goods are entering the country, which types of transport, and information about where and when. System support for digital Notification and Disclosure of Information is already in place, ready to use for all types of transport.
2. Declaration before border crossing and removal of the Direct transport rule September 1st 2026
The current arrangement, where goods can be transported directly to the consignee of the goods and declared within 10 days, will be removed 01.09.2026. Declaration and digital notification and disclosure of information before or upon arrival to the Norwegian customs territory will then be mandatory.
Here are five essential tips to consider when transitioning to Digitoll:
1. Establish customs procedures which are clear and written. This applies both internally and in coordination with your freight forwarder/transport provider.
2. Create a close dialogue with your freight forwarder and/or transport provider. Ensure that necessary information about the goods is provided well in advance of border crossing.
3. Ensure all necessary information for goods declaration is provided to the freight forwarder/transport provider on time.This includes information on procedure code, classification, origin, delivery terms, invoice amount, and weight.
4. Make sure all documentation is available before declaring the goods. Ensure that these documents contain accurate and sufficient information for declaration. Pay special attention to:
- Invoices
- Origin documentation (EUR1/invoice declaration)
- Customs reductions (TNT/TNT-RÅK)
- Necessary permits
- Other necessary documents
5. Ensure everyone has the competence they need to carry out their task in accordance with the new rules .
Updated: 04/12/2024